Whether you need 1 or 25,000, we’re prepared to make your idea or drawing a reality in a matter of days.


We lead the industry in our ability to go from print to part in 7 days. Who has time to wait?


Whether pricing is the first question or last, we know our rates will help you stay on target.

Our Engineered Products Group reviews quote requests for specialty fasteners and quote requests from OEM and end user customers on a case by case basis. Criteria for OEM sales include manufacturing non-inventory items and minimum order quantities.

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Customer Service

Our dedicated customer service team is responsive. Call or click, and we can answer your questions or help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
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Large Inventory

We stock it so you don’t have to. We carry a large inventory that is ready to ship at a moment’s notice.
fast custom manufacturing

Quick-Turn Custom Manufacturing

You won’t find a quicker custom manufacturer. We’ll get your jobs from print to part in a matter of days, not weeks or months.
custom fasteners

Creativity & Design

When you need a creative solution, our team is second to none. We pride ourselves in helping you succeed.

Request A Quote

Complete the form below to request a quote. We usually respond within a couple hours, but never more than a day.

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